Thursday, June 08, 2006

VBS Musings

I have a confession to make...I love Vacation Bible School! I always have and, I believe, always will. VBS...when a bunch of children get to learn of the love of God through His Son, Jesus Christ. When adults get to spend 5 days loving on children...many without any strong adult influence in their lives.

One of the awesome things about VBS in the 21st century is that it's updated and better than ever. Some of you remember "sit-down/stand-up chords!" Today, the music rocks, the children are pumped, and the air is filled with excitement and anticipation. Children ask their parents to come to VBS!

Our church does a skit each day during the worship time. The basic idea is that Pastor Mike wants to tell people about Jesus but keeps getting scared by a villian who discourages him. Missions Man, a super hero in the mold of Bible Man, comes to Pastor Mike's rescue and reminds him of God's strength to witness. The children love it. What's awesome is how the children come up to me and want to talk, give me a high five, or a hug. What a great gift that children know their pastor is approachable and cares for them. I have the BEST job in the world!

Let me say again...I LOVE VBS! I want to thank all our adults who so faithfully work during VBS to make it such a success. To Zach, our children's pastor, you are DA MAN! To our Pastors and staff, thanks for all your tireless hours in preparation and execution for VBS! I consider it a privilege to serve a church like Third Baptist!


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