Monday, April 09, 2007

Hebrews 8:1

Hebrews 8:1 (HCSB) 1 Now the main point of what is being said is this: we have this kind of high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens,

On Wednesday nights, I'm preaching through Hebrews. On Wednesday, April 4, I preached from the text above. I focused on two points from the text.

First, the work of Christ is completed. While the temple priests never sat down because their work was never completed, Jesus Christ work was completed on the cross and there is no further need for a sacrifice for sin to be made! This is the good news of the Gospel. As Christ cried from the cross, "It is finished!"

Second, the position of Christ is assured. He sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens. This position is a position of power. In speaking to those who were questioning him during his mockery of a trial, Jesus said, “You have said it,” Jesus told him. “But I tell you, in the future you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.” (Matthew 26:64 HCSB) Knowing that our Lord is in a position of power and that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to him, we can go in that power as witnesses of Christ to a lost and dying world.

This position is also a position of influence. In Romans 8:34 (HCSB) Paul says about our Lord: Who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is the One who died, but even more, has been raised; He also is at the right hand of God and intercedes for us. What great joy is there in knowing that the Lord himself intercedes on the behalf of believers. We don't need to pray to saints hoping they will influence God for us. God himself, Jesus the Son, intercedes for us.

Finally, this position is a shared position. Paul says in Ephesians 2:6 (HCSB) that: He also raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavens, in Christ Jesus. Revelation 3:21 (HCSB) says: The victor: I will give him the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I also won the victory and sat down with My Father on His throne. Somehow, as joint-heirs with Jesus, we will share in what the Son has won for us. We will rule with Christ!

When Jesus rose from the dead, after appearing to and teaching his disciples, he ascended into the heavens and is even now at the right hand of the throne. Because of the work of our Lord we even now cry, "He is risen...He is risen, indeed!" This is the good news of Easter.


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