Humble Restoration
In a culture where individualism is honored, being a part of a team can sometimes be difficult. The NFL, which finished its season last night with the Indianapolis Colts winning Super Bowl XLI, focuses on teams, not individuals. Yet, there are players who strive to stand out in the crowd...for some not because of their play but for their antics both on and off the field.
In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul says that believers make up the body of Christ. We function as a unit, as a team. When one hurts we all hurt. When one rejoices we all rejoice. But, what happens when one falls, when one willfully sins against the Lord or another beliver? How does the body of Christ respond?
In Galatians 6:1-5, Paul says that those who are spiritual are to restore that brother through lovingly, gently, and humbly calling to their attention their sin and their need to repent. Once repentance has occurred, restoration can then occur. Yet, we've been conditioned that "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." In other words, isn't it prideful to point out the sins of others? Isn't that juding?
Ultimately, our goal is the same as our Lord's goal. In Ephesians 5:25-27, Paul says that Christ loves His bride, the church, so much that He gave Himself for her to present her to himself "without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and blameless." When we hold each other accountable for sin and for the need of repentance, we are accomplishing the Lord's desire for a beautiful, holy bride! As husbands will not tolerate anyone "messin'" with their wives, our Lord does not want anyone demeaning or degrading His bride. Sin in the church is serious and we must treat it as such.
Again, this is done lovingly, gently, and humbly with the goal of restoration. May our Lord Jesus Christ grant us the privilege of being a part of a holy, blameless bride that will bring much glory to Him!
In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul says that believers make up the body of Christ. We function as a unit, as a team. When one hurts we all hurt. When one rejoices we all rejoice. But, what happens when one falls, when one willfully sins against the Lord or another beliver? How does the body of Christ respond?
In Galatians 6:1-5, Paul says that those who are spiritual are to restore that brother through lovingly, gently, and humbly calling to their attention their sin and their need to repent. Once repentance has occurred, restoration can then occur. Yet, we've been conditioned that "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." In other words, isn't it prideful to point out the sins of others? Isn't that juding?
Ultimately, our goal is the same as our Lord's goal. In Ephesians 5:25-27, Paul says that Christ loves His bride, the church, so much that He gave Himself for her to present her to himself "without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and blameless." When we hold each other accountable for sin and for the need of repentance, we are accomplishing the Lord's desire for a beautiful, holy bride! As husbands will not tolerate anyone "messin'" with their wives, our Lord does not want anyone demeaning or degrading His bride. Sin in the church is serious and we must treat it as such.
Again, this is done lovingly, gently, and humbly with the goal of restoration. May our Lord Jesus Christ grant us the privilege of being a part of a holy, blameless bride that will bring much glory to Him!