Wednesday, August 16, 2006

True Worship

My music pastor and I traveled to a conference last week that is still impacting my life! A friend asked me today what I took away from the conference. Here are some random thoughts:

*God is completely and totally sovereign over His creation...including me!

*I justly deserve the wrath of God because of my willful sin against Him.

*Jesus Christ willingly bore the wrath of God for me on the cross!

*By faith, I am declared righteous in Christ and have been reconciled to God! This faith is a gift of God and not as a result of works. God chose me to lavish His grace and mercy on me!

*When these truths become real in my life, the only natural response is WORSHIP!

I am so thankful that God continues to speak to me through His word and through proclamation of His word. I do want to live a cross-centered life so that I will forever glory in the cross, in Jesus, and in the Father. May the realization of the work of Christ drive each of us to humbly serve Him. This is indeed the power of the cross!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

At the Election Booth

As many people are across the nation, I had the privilege of voting today. Polls opened at 7:00 a.m. and I was number 8 in line. After showing my voter card and getting all signed in, I went to an electronic booth and cast my votes. The results will be in tonight.

As I drove into the parking lot, folks with signs greeted me as they smiled and waved. The signs had the names of candidates hoping to receive my vote. As I left they waved and smiled again. And by the's hot here in Murfreesboro! These folks are taking time from their day to stand out in the sun to smile and wave at potential voters all on behalf of their candidate.

Makes me wonder...what am I willing to do for my Lord Jesus Christ in light of His eternal kingdom? If these folks will make these sacrifices for an earthly kingdom, shouldn't I be more than willing to do even more for Him? Candidates believe that a sign, smile, and wave might sway voters toward them. Are we passionately trying to share the Gospel of Christ with non-believers? Would we be willing to stand out in the heat, wave and smile at passersby if we knew it would make a difference for Christ and His Gospel?

I pray that each of us will not only desire for God to use us, but we will actively go and tell people no matter the obstacles knowing that the lives of people are on the line. And I hope we can do it in a winsome way, showing the love of Christ to a world that desperately needs Him.